Fool Proof 'Chocolate Smoothie' Recipe

health & wellness recipes May 07, 2023


If you've got an insanely fussy kid like I do, or maybe you're an insanely fussy kid living in an adults body...

Then this goodness-filled 'shove everything healthy possible in it' smoothie is for you!

My kids eat this every morning and I swear I cackle at my 5 year old thinking it's a chocolate milkshake:

1-2 Bananas

Coconut water (I always fill the liquid up to the 'max' line of my NutriBullet)

2 Medjool dates

1 tbsp peanut butter or nut butter

1 tbsp hemp seeds

1 tbsp flaxseed oil

Probiotics of your choice (my kids use these)

1 tbsp cacao powder

1 tsp beef liver powder

Drizzle of honey or maple syrup

Pinch of salt

*We rotate through these optional extras: 1tbsp coconut yogurt, chia seeds, a few brazil nuts, frozen blueberries, cod liver oil and sometimes a milk base.

Bottom's up friends,

Amy xo